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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Mary Meeker's Social Media Trends List

We are on our phone daily as a society. Whether we are talking to a family member, texting our friends, or taking a picture of that salted caramel donut that you had for National Donut Day yesterday and posting it on Instagram. As a society, we crave the attention and we crave the approval we seek from others. This is why social media is so popular, especially on mobile devices. If you are a business that deals with e-commerce then according to the famous Mary Meeker Social Media Trends List, you would've seen a drastic increase in sales over the years if you were marketing on social media.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

What Streaming Technology Means for Your Small Business

Since the beginning of the internet, streaming content has been a vital source of communication and information. With musicians like Linkin Park, who were the first to start streaming their own music (this is how they gained their fan following in the beginning) creating their own content and copyrighting their own material gave them the freedom that most artists do not have these days. YouTube has been a real game changer in streaming content and is now the second most popular search engine on the internet, right behind Google.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

4 Top Trends in Social Media Right Now

It's no secret that social media has really taken off in the last twelve years. I mean looking at Facebook alone, which has grown at an incredible exponential rate over the last 5-10 years, it has changed dramatically and has arguably been the center of many social media trends. The truth of the matter is that social media has become more visual and dynamic. With gifs and videos with captions taking over the ranks of Facebook, texts posts have become a thing of the past.

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