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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

How To Use Instagram

Selfies, models, celebrities, and pictures of food is what most people think of when they think of Instagram. Beyond the #notfilters and the avocado roses is a useful tool that can build brands on one of the most frequented sites on the internet. Instagram has 800 million users and about 500 million are daily active users. In addition, most of the users are between the ages 13-30, and even more important 73% bought a product or service they saw on Instagram. Creating content on Instagram isn't just about applying filters, hashtags and expecting likes. It's all about targeting your audience, creating a demographic, and cleverly putting your product or service in the forefront without being in your followers face.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

How to Use Snapchat

If you know what Snapchat is, you are probably between the ages of 15-29, or the millennial/gen z generation. If you don't know what it is, then you, my friend, are not hip (gosh do people even say that anymore? I feel old). Snapchat is one of those apps, that came up along with Vine (RIP), which was a short video capturing app that also captured items in the moment. The one thing that set Snapchat apart from the rest of the social media competition, was their use of these "in the moment" videos, pictures, and how the content users put up was available for only 24 hours to friends or even private message.

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