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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

3 Ways AI in Social Media Could Be Beneficial to Your Small Business

Since the days of 2001: A Space Odyssey, people have been astonished about what artificial intelligence could potentially do. AI has been in the forefront of a lot of technological advances that our society has made in the last 40 years. With the rise of virtual assistance in mobile devices, such as Siri and Alexa, the "robots taking over the world" might have a lot more weight in it than we possibly think. Before we even think about robots crushing cars in a dystopian society, we should think about how artificial intelligence could help us with social media.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Getting Personal: How It All Started for Me

It seems everyone I talk to asks the same question: why did you go into digital marketing? The answer is quite simple. I didn't want to go to grad school! Although I am pretty sure there are people in digital marketing who further their education based on what they want to do, I didn't want to put myself into even more debt by being in a field that may or may not be there for ten years to come. I mean, hey, that's what they say about digital marketing right? It's working out well for me so far. I grew to love this field, simply because it just uses all of my best assets: writing, curating and analyzing.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Why You Need to be Partnering with Micro-Influencers on Social Media

As a small business owner, you are constantly learning how to fill in the blanks. Figuring out how billing, electric, and loans work while providing the best service or product that you can is also a struggle that I can relate to as well. Technology is the same way, we are constantly changing and if you are not in the present moment, you are already five years behind the curve. Keeping up with the likes of Google, Facebook, and Yahoo! has not been an easy task for anyone working in those spaces for the last 15 years. Filling in the blanks of what people want in each of these search engines has been, and continues to be an uphill battle. The same goes for social media, if you are not keeping up with the biggest influencers and how they are running things, you will be as Kansas says "dust in the wind".

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