3 Ways AI in Social Media Could Be Beneficial to Your Small Business
3 Ways AI in Social Media Could Be Beneficial to Your Small Business
Since the days of 2001: A Space Odyssey, people have been astonished about what artificial intelligence could potentially do. AI has been in the forefront of a lot of technological advances that our society has made in the last 40 years. With the rise of virtual assistance in mobile devices, such as Siri and Alexa, the "robots taking over the world" might have a lot more weight in it than we possibly think. Before we even think about robots crushing cars in a dystopian society, we should think about how artificial intelligence could help us with social media.
1. Customer Service
AI has developed a good sense of customer service, with new automated Facebook Messenger services that allows "email type" messages that gets sent out to Messenger, and even some customer service messages on big social media accounts, like McDonalds, will have bots answering them. This will make streamlining customer concerns a lot better.
2. Creating Engagement
AIs could be used for other things besides customer service, take a look at Sephora's AI on Kik for example. When users chat with the bot, they will get an animated and engaged AI that will help the customer out by figuring out what they want. Not only this but an AI bot can help you understand the needs of your audience.This will keep the customer engaged on the site and overall with the brand a lot more.
3. Retargeting
Once a customer accesses your business page through an AI, there is always the opportunity to re-target them through ads on the private messaging forum. Many different companies already do this including a company that I like using Ivory Ella, which has been successful on social media selling their elephant apparel and donates a portion of their sales to saving the elephants. I know from experience that they definitely do a lot of re-targeting, and their competitor, Elephant Pants, who was recently on Shark Tank, does the same technique. Not to mention, re-targeting has been proven to get an average 147% conversion rate.
What Does This Mean for You?
Small businesses have a pretty huge advantage when it comes to AIs in social media. Taking on bots and AI early in your business will allow you to get that much ahead of the big box competition who have yet to catch up. It will also mean less time on social media as you have your own little AI assistant helping you figure out your audience, and finding out what their biggest needs are.
I Can Help!
Finding out new areas of social media innovation is all part of my job here at SPB Productions. I can help you alleviate some of the pain that goes into social media, such as customer service by finding the right bot for you or if you prefer a real person handling customer service on social media for you, I can definitely do that as well. Content creation, brand strategy and converting clients is what I have been doing for the last five years, and SPB Productions can help take your social media to the next level! Email me at supriya@supriyaprasad.com for more information today!