5 Self Care Tips for Witchy Businesses During the Holiday Season
5 Self Care Tips for Witchy Businesses During the Holiday Season
It’s that time of year again!
It’s not uncommon for us witches to struggle with the holidays. This is because we are told that this is a time of year that is solely about consumerism and materialism. So, we feel like they need to buy more gifts, do more rituals, go on more shopping trips, and create more products to make sure that their customers are happy with them.
What if there was an alternative? What if witchy entrepreneurs could actually focus on themselves during the holidays? This way, we can take care of ourselves instead of taking care of everyone else all the time. We often forget about our own needs in favor of meeting others'. We think that taking care of ourselves is selfish when it's actually the opposite. Taking care of ourselves allows us to show up fully for others without feeling exhausted or depleted.
Self-care during the holidays is crucial for witchy businesses because it allows them to take some time off from their exhausting lives. They will be able to enjoy the season without feeling guilty about anything.
Light Candles!
This is a favorite of mine and I tend to do this towards the end of the day. It's important for us as spiritual entrepreneurs or witchy businesses to take some time each day for self-love through small rituals that we hold dear.
Candles are a very important part of any ritual, holiday, or even social gathering. They can be used to set the mood, create an ambiance and they seem to make us feel more grounded. Lighting a candle is a way of marking time and setting the tone for the evening. As a witchy entrepreneur, you have to be mindful of how you're going to use your time throughout your day in order to get the most out of it.
I love to light my candles at the end of the day and set an intention for the candle I’ve lit. For example, I usually light a candle and I say “the day is over, and I wish everyone that I met today nothing but love and light, but I also wish love and light for myself. I have given my all today and that is the best I can do. And so it is”
You can use your own candles or just get them at the dollar tree. A lot of witches like to use these for manifesting different things in their lives: money, love, health, and/or prosperity.
2. Turn Down the Screen Time
This is something I’ve totally benefited from in the past few months. I actually work in blocks. I turn my computer on and work on certain things, whether it’s content for my business or my clients, or getting on a call with a client, or just virtual networking events. Then, I turn my laptop off or I keep it on but I don’t work on it. I will take a walk or dance or do something that is not working on my laptop. Break free from your phone and put it away for at least an hour a day. Take some time out of your day to do something that you enjoy, doesn't require any devices or screens, and helps you feel good from the inside out.
If you have kids, I would set up parental controls so that you're not tempted by things like social media when you're just trying to browse the internet. Try taking selfies every day for a month and then take a break from them afterward. You can batch a bunch of your content this way and schedule it out accordingly. If you have a virtual assistant or a social media manager, then you could just give these selfies to them and tell them to create content around it. This leaves so much more time to yourself.
3. Journal
Journaling is a form of self-care that can be really beneficial for your mental health. Journaling helps relieve stress, provides encouragement, reduces anxiety, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Journaling really changed my life. It changed the perspective I had on it and ever since I’ve started to do it consistently (sometimes twice in one day), I’ve experienced so much more happiness and fulfillment. When I am able to write down whatever is on my mind for that day, I just feel a sense of relief that I never felt before.
When you journal consistently, it also helps you cope with difficult emotions and has been shown to decrease symptoms of depression. You're less likely to overeat, smoke, or drink alcohol if you're journaling. You'll also have better relationships with others because it allows you to connect more intimately with people in your life.
Some benefits also include improving your creativity, having an outlet for feelings, and gaining insight into what triggers certain behaviors or emotions thus enabling you to make changes in the future.
If you are unable to write a page (I do three pages), I would start with a paragraph and work your way up. There are some people out there that can’t express their feelings at all on paper and this is a great way to start.
4. Meditate at least once a day
Meditation is the act of calming the mind and body. There are many different forms of meditating. I actually do a lot of walking meditation. Whenever I go for a walk, I try to take my mind to a place where I feel the most at peace. For me, that peace and calm take me back to my trip to Tulum, Mexico. There was nothing more calming than that ocean and that beach. It’s been a couple of months but I still wish I was there. It was gorgeous guys.
I do meditate to connect to my guides, but I also do it to get really quiet. Quieting the mind is imperative to our mental health. Meditation also has many other health benefits like increased mental clarity, increased creativity, reduced anxiety, decreased depression, improved sleep. I tend to meditate before I go to sleep, it vastly improves my sleeping patterns. I also do a reiki meditation in the morning if I am not too busy.
There are many ways to meditate. Some people use guided meditation apps or do breathing exercises to reduce stress and anxiety. Others may focus on counting their breaths or visualizing a peaceful place in their minds. There are plenty of videos on meditating on YouTube. I get so much clarity whenever I meditate and it’s become a daily routine for me. You will not get to an hour of meditation overnight. It’s very easy for me because I’ve been doing it since I was 12 years old! If you are new to meditation, start with 10 mins a day and increase it from there.
5. Cutting Out Toxic People From Your Life
Self care isn’t always about lighting candles and taking baths (although those things are good too), it’s all about doing what is good for YOU. Sometimes that means doing what is uncomfortable. Self-care is about looking after oneself. When people say self-care, they are often referring to things that make the person feel better about themselves or help them to feel happier. To live a happy and satisfying life, we need to take care of ourselves and focus on our well-being. So, it's time to start cutting down or cutting out toxic people from your life.
It can be difficult, especially during the holiday season, to cut ties with people who are connected with you in some way, like family members or friends. People may feel guilty or worry that cutting ties will make them seem like bad people, but it isn't selfish. Caring for yourself before caring about others is important for your well-being. It's okay if you feel like you need more time away from a person, even if this means losing a close friend or family member out of your life for a while - it doesn't mean that you don't love them anymore. All it means is that you are setting boundaries for yourself and the other person.
The problem only arises if that person doesn’t respect your boundaries and then you will need to cut them off. It’s up to you to decide how long you will cut them off for whether that’s one week, one month, or one year. Don’t feel the need just because it’s the holidays that you feel obligated to spend time with the toxic people in your life. You don’t! Be selfish, take some time for yourself, and do what is best for you and your own well-being.
Wanna Learn More?
Self-care and self-love are what I take about with my clients all the time. It happens when you have blocked business chakras too. It all flows together and if you run a spiritual or conscious-minded brand, then you know the importance of how your spirit works in your business is how your business will perform. As a psychic medium, intuitive, and a bad-ass marketer I can go intuitively in your business and help create the strategies that can quantum leap your spiritual business. Interested? Schedule a call with me right now!