3 Things I've Learned in 2018

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3 Things I've Learned in 2018

2019 is almost here, can you believe it? It's like this year has flown by, and I swear I say that every year! It's true, I feel like we take so much for granted throughout the year that we don't stop and look at everything as a whole. Businesses of all sizes go through many changes as they grow, whether for you are trying to build your business from scratch or re-branding, there's always a need for growth. As SPB Productions continues to grow, I want to take a look back to see what has 2018, and where we can go from there.

1. Testing, Testing, Testing.

It's so important to test things as a business to see what works. I've learned to do this over this past year with my business and it's been a good learning experience for me in general. This past year, for example, I've taken the dive to learn about Facebook ads. Now, I feel more confident than ever about doing a lead generation ad and an engagement ad for Facebook. I've taken more courses about Instagram and learning more about the algorithm. All of this learning has been very beneficial and will only make SPB Productions stronger as a business.

2. It's All About Mindset!

Confidence is key in whatever you are trying to sell as a business, and I've taken the initiative to work on my confidence in sales, in my skills and in my business as a whole. There's so much that people don't tell you in college when applying for a job, and if you don't know I was in agencies for six years before I started SPB Productions. I still have a 9-5 doing social media for an independent home lending firm, but it's my first time working for a single brand. Over the past year, I've learned that confidence and more importantly, mindset is everything in business. One of my mentors is Gary V, who always reminds me that I am awesome. I could name more name (Rachel Pedersen, Jenny Beres, etc) who've given me the confidence I need to sell, but it really all comes from within!

3. Finding the Right Fit.

Whether if it's a coach or a client, it's so important to find the right fit for your business. I've learned in the past year how potentially detrimental it can be when you have a client that can have the budget, and have all the things set for a social media manager to come in to their business, but doesn't align with your set values. This doesn't just go for your business, but as a person. I also went shopping around for coaches this past year, and I've also learned that you need to find the right fit there too, as they are such a huge investment of your time and money. It's a great lesson for any business to learn, whether you are trying to find the right client or customer that you want to target.

New Year, New Goals!

Plan your Q1 with SPB Productions! Q1 is an essential time of year for many businesses and I can help map out what you need to do to hit your social media goals in 2019! As you might know, what you do in Q1 sets the tone for the rest of your year. Are you interested? Let's get on a call soon, so we can talk strategy today!


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