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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

When is the Best Time to Post on Social Media?

As an intuitive social media strategist, I get this question a lot. There are a lot of ways to answer this question. We like to create content when it flows the best and I post the same day I create it. A lot of social media managers and strategists will disagree with this method because “scheduling is king”.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

How Does Reddit Work?

Like many other sites back in the early days of the internet, we saw message boards and chat rooms. AOL and Yahoo! had their own versions of topic message boards, like if you wanted to talk about boy bands you were getting the latest dirt from there. No one ever saw this one coming, Reddit is slowly becoming one of the bigger named social media sites out there. It used to be a site known for (and still is in some aspects), it's trolling but these days, Reddit has become one of the bigger social media platforms on the internet! How does this particular platform work and how can you be a part of it? I answer this question and more in this week's blog.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Is Reddit the New Twitter?

If you are familiar with AMAs and nosleep, then you might know a thing or two about Reddit. Since it's debut in 2005, Reddit has grown to be one of the most frequented sites on the web and it also gained a reputation for being one of the snarkiest. With the amount of digital foot traffic that this site has received over the years, Reddit has become one of the top go to's for virality, and to build any business owner's credibility. The question of the hour is why has Reddit become the new Twitter? The answer lies in the numbers.

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