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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Great Ways to Increase Traffic to your Website with Social Media

One of the biggest questions I get asked on a daily basis as a digital marketer is "how do I get people to my website with social media?". It's a great question , it's one I get a lot on discovery calls from clients in all different industries and to be perfectly honest it differs from industry to industry, but the digital space remains the same for all. Over the many changes that the internet experienced over the last 20 odd years, the one thing the has remained the same is people wanting to connect with others. We've seen that through email to chat rooms and message boards all the way to instant messengers and of course social media. Another question I get asked is "how do I do it without being too spammy to people?" I've got five great ways on how you can do that.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

4 Ways AI is Affecting Social Media Marketing

Ahhh robots! We are constantly surrounded by artificial intelligence every day, from Siri to Cortana to Alexa. As social media grows into the big conglomerate that we know it will be in a few years, many small businesses are struggling to streamline the process. The truth of the matter is that there are over two billion social media users in the world. That is the size of the two largest countries combined! More people are responding to businesses via social media than any other platform. I think it's safe to say if you struggling to keep up, there are ways to do it! We've talked about how AI can be beneficial to your business, however I want to talk about how AI can impact social media marketing directly.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Why You Need to be Partnering with Micro-Influencers on Social Media

As a small business owner, you are constantly learning how to fill in the blanks. Figuring out how billing, electric, and loans work while providing the best service or product that you can is also a struggle that I can relate to as well. Technology is the same way, we are constantly changing and if you are not in the present moment, you are already five years behind the curve. Keeping up with the likes of Google, Facebook, and Yahoo! has not been an easy task for anyone working in those spaces for the last 15 years. Filling in the blanks of what people want in each of these search engines has been, and continues to be an uphill battle. The same goes for social media, if you are not keeping up with the biggest influencers and how they are running things, you will be as Kansas says "dust in the wind".

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