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How to Build a Lead Generation Strategy for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Lead generation can be hard for a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs, but that is because the “normal” ways of marketing ourselves are different. I say this as a fellow spiritual entrepreneur! Learn how to create leads as a spiritual entrepreneur in this latest post!

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

When is the Best Time to Post on Social Media?

As an intuitive social media strategist, I get this question a lot. There are a lot of ways to answer this question. We like to create content when it flows the best and I post the same day I create it. A lot of social media managers and strategists will disagree with this method because “scheduling is king”.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

What Type of Content Should I Post on Social Media in 2021?

There's so much content that is posted on social media, in fact, it was 777 million posts in 2019 according to Buffer. Most businesses are trying to adjust to the new normal right now, and it's social media that is going to take all of those companies to the next level. Why should you focus on social media? It's simple. The average person spent 2 hours and 24 minutes on Facebook in 2020, which is more than double the previous year. CEOs are more than willing to put their ads on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube these days because there is more time being spent on those platforms, especially the mobile apps, more than ever. This begs the question stated above: what kind of content should I post?

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Things You Need to Do on LinkedIn RIGHT NOW!

I cannot say enough good things about LinkedIn, not only is it where I find the majority of my clients, but it's an amazing place to network and meet with other professionals in your area. It's also where recruiters live these days, if you're job hunting, LinkedIn is the best way to score a top paying job. It's also one of those social media sites left untouched after all the stuff that's happened with Facebook and Twitter (Instagram is also left unharmed), and is rolling out new features almost every month (LinkedIn Live for instance) What if you don't have a LinkedIn profile? It's 2019, it's time to get on LinkedIn.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Pay Attention to LinkedIn

How is your 2019 shaping out? Are you writing down your goals? I have been bad about writing down my goals for my business this year, but I plan to do it! With all of this talk of changes for social media this year, we have to wonder what is your focus this year? Do you want to keep killing Facebook? Or do you want to start dominating other spaces? Maybe start dominating a space no one has really truly dominated yet? I've already talked about how you can dominate Reddit before, but I haven't talked about other untapped social media spaces or spaces that businesses don't really look into. The platform I want to talk about today is LinkedIn.

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