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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Reasons Why Empathic Entrepreneurs are Misunderstood

Empaths or highly sensitive people are probably one of the most misunderstood groups on the planet. We are sensitive to loud noises and sounds, so we can't always be in large areas. Imagine being an empathic entrepreneur, someone who constantly has to go out, shake hands, and meet people all day. How would that feel? Some of you might get energy just from meeting so many people, for empaths we are different. Most of us were probably misunderstood our entire lives, I know I was. I was seen as the weird kid, the quiet kid, the kid that just wanted to be left alone with her one or two friends. I didn't really care how people viewed me cause I knew I was different, however it was on a different level when I became an entrepreneur.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

How Your Chakras Relate to Your Business

When we think about our business we tend to operate with our left side brain. That is our logical, critical thinking side. It's where we tend to make all of our decisions as a CEO. However, as empaths, psychic intuitive, and just all-around spiritual people, we tend to use both in our decision making. All of last year it seems that all my lower chakras were really off balance, and I saw some reiki practitioners about it too. I was really stressed, tired and I got sick earlier this year. It looked to be COVID and I felt like I was never going to recover. For a long time, I wasn't closing the leads that I wanted to close, and it seemed that nothing was moving. However, when I started to purge all of my emotions that were clearly coming from my root, sacral, and solar plexus, it was a release that needed to happen.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

6 Things I Learned from 2020

2020 was an insane year all around. There were so many businesses that either folded or thrived in 2020. I would like to say I was one of those businesses that thrived. I have never been the type to boast about my income on social media or talk about the new things I bought from the new money that came in, but I would like to say I am living a comfortable life like I always have been. I definitely think I should aim higher though and no I don't have a vision board (yet), however, a Tesla is in my future!

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

How To Handle Negativity on Social Media as a Spiritual Entreprenuer

If you are an empathic entrepreneur, and you are constantly on social media. You may be wondering why you should even be on social media right now. Social media is a great tool, but that is what is - a tool. Tools can either help you and your business or not help you at all, depending on how you use it. More importantly, what kind of energy you are putting into social media? Are you going on social media because you are anticipating negative energy? Are you going on social media because you are anticipating positive energy? Are posting with positive intentions or negative intentions on social media? These are the questions we must ask ourselves before and after we get on social media.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

4 Things I've Learned About Being an Empathic Entrepreneur

Being an intuitive, medium and an empath I feel so much energy, like all the time. It's sometimes hard to deal with, especially if you are like me, constantly networking and meeting people. You never know what kind of energy you are running into and even taking on as they leave the virtual room. Not to mention the crazy as hell year it has been for many people. The pandemic put a lot of things to a screeching halt, however, one thing that has been put on the back burner for me and a lot of other entrepreneurs I know is self-care. Empathic entrepreneurs should always put their self-care first.

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