How Influencer Marketing Can Help You This Holiday Season!

How Influencer Marketing Can Help You This Holiday Season.png

How Influencer Marketing Can Help You This Holiday Season!

It's Small Business Saturday and it's time to kick your marketing into high gear! That means coming up with new strategies to get your business to the next level. The holidays are a great time to promote new products and give your customers the best deals, however no one is going to see them if you keep doing one marketing strategy for each. The best way to keep on trend for the holidays (and into the new year) is to learn more about influencer marketing. It's been proven time and time again that users on social media are more likely to buy a product or service if it's recommended by someone they trust, like someone who they follow religiously on social media. I have talked about the effectiveness of influencer marketing before, but I haven't talked about how it can help your holiday marketing campaign!

Crowd-sourcing Your Next Campaign!

Nyden, an H&M start-up company, has recently crowd-sourced their holiday campaign using Instagram's polling feature. This campaign got "425,000 viewers over two weeks and brought in more than 35,000 votes". This recent campaign focused on millennials but similar campaigns ran by much larger companies like Walmart, focused on pictures of bloggers for their site revamp. Why is this important for the holidays? Crowd-sourcing is such a common way for brands to get ideas for their next campaign and the use of influencers is at an all time high for brands, it can make your holiday campaign extra special.

Getting The Right Tools!

Running an influencer campaign means getting the right tools you need to run it effectively. Tools like BuzzSumo and Upfluence can help you find the right influencers and give a great ROI for your time and effort. There are plenty of other tools as well, but Facebook being the giant it is, even has it's own version of these types of tools. Without the proper strategies and tools like these in place, chances are that you won't get the right kind of engagement you will need for your campaign for the rest of the holiday season.

There's New Ones Everyday!

Influencers are popping up every day and the potential with these influencers with these brands are endless. Finding the perfect influencer for you should be a lot easier as the holiday season in full swing. Small businesses will have a very big advantage as up and coming influencers will likely cost a lot less per post than the higher paying ones (or you can read about my post about micro-influencers here). Partnering with an influencer on social media is the new way of advertising these days as many people are pushing back on traditional internet ad space (pop ups anyone?). Make sure you stay on trend this year, with these new strategies!

SPB Productions Can Help!

Influencer partnering can be tough but, we can help you figure out what kind of influencer works for you at your budget. Our marketing also works well if you are an influencer, we help you and the brands that you are working with get to the level you need to be at on social media! Interested? Let's schedule a call and talk strategy today!


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